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Individually fine-tuned aiming designs for lefties and righties

Warning: At first glance the following may be perceived as a gimmick.
Instead, it’s an innovative visual aiming enhancement, for golfers of any skill level to practice with, then use on the course during a round of golf …legally under the rules.

Isn't it TIME
To Really Improve Your Game?


The TIME to accelerate your progress starts now
What you're about to see is the GAME CHANGER you've been looking for

The Missing Ingredient

The Problems
For decades, golf manufactures have been focusing on equipment designed to hit the ball longer. Ironically, what separates the best players is the ability to hit more fairways and greens, sharpen the short game and sink more putts. Manufacturers have lost focus on the importance of providing an individually fine-tuned aiming visual that benefits both right and left handed golfers on every shot.

In most sports, the player is looking directly at their Target. Not in golf, where the player is looking down at the ball, with their actual Target somewhere out in the distance. If you’re a righty the Target is to your left. If you’re a lefty the Target is to your right. For most of us, hitting the ball on the line to our intended Target is the challenge we face on every shot.

Alignment Aids Are Not New

Today, almost every golf ball manufacturer has added a line or multiple alignment line designs.  

¨ One size fits all, with the same design for both righties and lefties.
¨ Created primarily to line up putts.
¨ When the markings on the ball are NOT visible or NOT facing in the right direction (like they are with 
     most shots during a round of golf) they’re NOT effective.
¨ Promote hitting at the ball. NOT on a path through the ball to an intermediate Target.

The Very Different Solutions Target Line "VC"
Visualize Your Chosen PAT2H (Precise Aim To The Hole)

"90% of Golf is 1/2 Mental" Yogi Berra
It's all about the visual you see, as you look down at the ball. NOT the markings on the ball.

    Righties                          Lefties
  With putts, point the line / arrow on the ball at  
  your target, just like with all of the others.

 For all other shots during your round, when the image
 is NOT pointed in the right direction or visible at all, 
 the "
Virtual Clock" Target Line visual reminder (3 &
 9) is always there with you, to replay on demand.

My Personal Experiences

Alan Martin - Author, Thumbs Down® Golf Instruction Made Simple
Like many other inventions, this one came out of nowhere with a problem that needed to be solved. In 2010, after an embarrassing tournament defeat, where I lost my sight lines at impact and pushed almost every shot and putt to the right, I headed to my backyard's practice area. During the session, a flashback from a slow-motion replay of a tour player on TV with the view from behind clearly showed how the bodies of the best players NEVER leave the line to their intended Targets.

After copying what I saw and chipping multiple 9-iron shots straight ahead into the net, a clock image on the ground popped into my head. Like never before, I had a guide for the proper Alignment position and a visual that showed the Line to my Target. That Virtual Clock “VC” image now comes with me every time I practice, play and teach. To this day, I'm still amazed how much it's helped to sharpen my aim on every shot, and improved my putting (which I desperately needed).

After 14 seasons of using and experimenting with the Target Line "VC" myself, my students and people I play with, it's time to make it available for fellow serious golfers that want to improve with a passion; ALSO instructors that want to help their students AND differentiate themselves with a specialty most others are overlooking.

Early Adopter Program $29.97
(Limited Quantities)
¨ Trial-Pack Sleeve
¨ Target Line Overlay
¨ Video (coming soon)
Domestic Shipping

If you're interested in participating email ME at, Subject: Target Line VC.
¨ Are you a PLAYER that's looking to improve or a PRO that's looking to help their students improve?
¨ Tell me your interest level, righty or lefty, and ask any questions.

1. Tryout the Target Line "VC" (Specify Righty or Lefty)
2.  Love it's Aiming-Aid design
3. Order a dozen or more on your favorite ball.
Makes a great gift year-round

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 Thumbs Down Golf, AJM Marketing Enterprises, LLC. DBA Thumbs Down Golf
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